
Sáb 15 Oct 2022

Reseña en inglés en el New York Journal de "The Myth of the Wrong Body" by Miquel Missé

Reseña en inglés en el New York Journal de "The Myth of the Wrong Body" by Miquel Missé

By Jane Haile

One reads Miquel Missé’s The Myth of the Wrong Body with growing excitement and thumping of the air not just because of one’s sympathy with its content, but also because of his sociological approach to the material. Very few social scientists have seriously applied their skills to critical analysis of ideas about sex and gender.

The book analyzes narratives of transness and the author’s conviction of the incorrectness of his previous beliefs, which “robbed” him of his body.

There are two main narratives of transness: the dominant one, which Missé correctly identifies as emerging from the medical establishment is that trans individuals are “trapped in the wrong body” and therefore need to correct their bodies through (expensive) hormonal treatment and surgery; and a second, emerging and less popular narrative, which is that transness or transgender is a normal part of natural human variety and does not need to be fixed by expensive hormonal treatment and surgery. The myth of the wrong body is the mirror image of the myth that there are only two sexes and two genders...

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